BE – Electrical and Electronics Engineering BE – Electrical and Electronics Engineering

About the Department

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Electrical and Electronics Engineering department of SRM Valliammai Engineering College was started in the year 2001. The Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme is duly approved by the AICTE and affiliated to ANNA University, Chennai. The Department is ISO 9001:2015 certified. The department has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The department has excellent infrastructure and is currently served by a team of 17 well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculties whose specialization spans around major areas in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The department prides for its 10 state-of-the-art laboratories with modern equipment, and it also has AICTE sanctioned two Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS) schemes worth Rs. 17 Lakhs. The department also offers Post graduate program in Power Systems Engineering since 2010.

Programmes run by the department are,

  • B.E.- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • M.E.- Power Systems

Vision, Mission And PO's, PEO's, PSO's

Vision and Mission of the Department and Institute:

Vision of the Institute

“Educate to excel in Social Transformation”.
To accomplish and maintain international eminence and become a model institution for higher learning through dedicated development of minds, advancement of knowledge and professional application of skills to meet the global demands.

Mission of the Institute

M1: To contribute to the development of human resources in the form of professional engineers and managers of international excellence and competence with high motivation and dynamism, who besides serving as ideal citizen of our country will contribute substantially to the economic development and advancement in their chosen areas of specialization.

M2: To build the institution with international repute in education in several areas at several levels with specific emphasis to promote higher education and research through strong institute-industry interaction and consultancy.

Vision of the Department

To accomplish and maintain international eminence and to contribute to become a model institution for higher learning through development of highly competent and dynamic Electrical and Electronics Engineers while remaining sensitive to ethical, societal and environmental issues.

Mission of the Department

  • To mould Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Entrepreneurs of international excellence as global leaders capable of contributing towards technological innovations, economic growth and environmental safety.
  • To transform the Department into centre of excellence in the domain of Electrical and Electronics engineering by promoting research and development, consultancy work and industry- institute interaction activities.

Program Outcomes (PO’s):

  1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to Engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological Change.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1: To prepare the students have successful career in industry, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Communication skill and motivate for higher education.

PEO2:To provide students with adequate technical knowledge and skills in using modern engineering tools to apply mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to the modelling, analysis and solution of problems related to electrical and electronics engineering.

PEO3: To provide an opportunity to work in inter disciplinary groups.

PEO4: To promote student awareness for life-long learning and inculcate professional ethics.

PEO5: To provide necessary foundation on computational platforms and software applications related to the electrical engineering.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s):

PSO 1: Ability to understand and apply electrical science, circuit theory, electronics, instrumentation system, digital logic theory, Electromagnetic field theory, control theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems.

PSO 2: Ability to model, design and analysis of power system components.

PSO 3: Ability to understand and use of Power Electronics devices in Electrical system.

PSO 4: Ability to understand the Micro Controller, Embedded system, Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing.

Professor & Head

Dr. K. Elango M.E., Ph.D.

Professor & Head

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Dr. R. Karthik  M.Tech, Ph.D., PDF (UNIBO-DEI, ITALY)


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Dr. G. Madhusudanan M.E., Ph.D.


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Dr. S. Malathi M.E., Ph.D.


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Dr. S. Padhmanabhaiyappan M.E., Ph.D.

Associate Professor

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Mrs. S. Vanila M.E., (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor (Sel.G.)

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Mr. V. Sudhagar M.E. (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor (Sr.G.)

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Mr. S. Balaji M.E.,

Assistant Professor(Sr.G)

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Mrs. P. Bency M.E.,

Assistant Professor (Sr.G.)

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Mrs. R.V. Preetha M.E.,

Assistant Professor(Sr.G.)

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Mr. K. Ragul Kumar M.E., (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor (O.G)

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Mr. P. Tamilarasan  M.Tech.,

Assistant Professor (O.G)

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Mr. S. Venkatesh M.E., (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor (O.G)

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Mrs. R. Elavarasi  M.E.,

Assistant Professor (O.G.)

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The Department have well equipped laboratories with more than 74 computers with various software’s and equipment’s relevant for the industry. Each laboratories have 66 sq.m of space as per AICTE norms. The following are the laboratories associated with EEE department.

  • Electrical Machines 1 and 2 Laboratory
  • Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Power Electronics Laboratory
  • Electrical Circuits Laboratory
  • Engineering Practices Laboratory
  • Computer Programming Laboratory
  • Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
  • Analog Electronics laboratory Electronics and Devices laboratory
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
  • Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory
  • Power System Simulation Laboratory(UG)
  • Power System Simulation Laboratory(PG)
  • Project Laboratory
  • Research Laboratory (PG)
Lab.No Odd Semester Even Semester
1 Analog Electronics laboratory Electronics and Devices laboratory (ECE) Engineering Practices Laboratory
2 Project laboratory phase-1 Engineering Practices Laboratory
3 Computer Programming Laboratory Power System Simulation Laboratory UG
4 Power System Simulation Laboratory PG Power System Simulation Laboratory PG
5 Research laboratory Research laboratory
6 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Mini Project laboratory
7 Electric Circuit laboratory Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory (EIE)
8 Machines laboratory-I Machines laboratory-II
9 Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory Project Laboratory Phase-2
10 Control & Instrumentation Laboratory Power Electronics Laboratory


Department Library Book Details

The following are the Library lists of Stock details in our department Library as on 24-03-2022. The Stock details are,

S.No Stock Details Total Nos.
1 Total Number of Books 925 Nos.
2 Total Number of CDs 189 Nos.
3 Total Number of Thesis 371 Nos.
4 Total Number of Journals & Magazines 227 Nos.
5 Total Number of Anna University Question Banks 53 Nos.


Academic Year: 2020-21

S.No Name of the company No. of students placed
1 Accenture 13
2 WIPRO 11
3 Mindtree 5
4 Cognizant 7
5 TCS 7
6 Sutherland – Voice 6
7 Sutherland – Non Voice 4
Total Students placed 54

Academic Year: 2018-19

S.No Name of the company No. of students placed
1 Accenture 40
2 WIPRO 03
3 Infosys 01
4 Cognizant 05
6 Sutherland 01
7 Tata Motors 02
Total Students placed 54

Academic Year: 2016-17

S.No Name of the company No. of students placed
1 Accenture 36
2 Wipro 5
3 Capgemini 5
4 Sutherland 2
5 Sutherland -Voice 3
6 Gencor Pacific 2
7 e-Con Systems 1
Total Students placed 54

Academic Year: 2019-20

S.No Name of the company No. of students placed
1 Accenture 29
2 TCS 03
3 Cognizant 03
4 Worksbot 06
5 Innive 02
6 Sutherland 07
Total Students placed 50

Academic Year: 2017-18

S.No Name of the company No. of students placed
1 Accenture 22
2 Maveric Systems 1
3 Sanmina 01
5 Chip Test 1
6 Sutherland-Voice 6
7 VDart Software Services Pvt. Ltd 2
8 Paragon Digital Services 8
9 Sutherland – Voice 1
Total Students placed 44


Ph.D. Awarded

S.No Name of Ph.D student Status
1 Dr.P.Yamuna Awarded
2 Dr.G.Madhusudanan Awarded
3 Dr.T.Santhosh Kumar Awarded
4 Mr.S.Padhmanabha Iyappan Thesis Submitted

Research Scholars

S.No Name of scholar Faculty Mode of study Guide
1 Ms.K.Durga devi Information & Communication Engineering Part Time Dr.R.Karthik (Joint Supervisor)
2 Mr.S.Venkatesh Electrical Engineering Part Time Dr.Ayyar.K
3 Mr.V.Sudhakar Electrical Engineering Part Time Dr.Ayyar.K

Sponsored Research

S.No Project Title Guide Duration Funding Agency Amount
1 Enhancements of agriculture activities using drones Dr.R.Karthik 3 Months (2018-19) TNSCST Rs 7500
2 Energy harnessing from sound vibrations Mr.M.Kamala kannan 3 Months (2017-18) TNSCST Rs 10,000

Anna university approved Research supervisors:

1. Dr.R.Karthik, Associate Professor/EEE(Ref.No. 23.03.07)

Development activities

  • The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology Government of India has sanctioned Rs 40 Lakhs to our institute for Improvement of Science and Technology under FIST scheme.
  • Dr.R.Karthik, Associate Professor-EEE department have received Young Scientists Fellowship from TNSCST to carry out Research in IIT Kanpur for a period of Two months for the academic year 2020-21.
  • Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India has recognized our institute as (SIRO) Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
  • An Exclusive R&D Lab and Project Lab for Research scholars, PG and UG students for their product development been established in the EEE department
  • Software available for Research such as EUROSTAG, PSCAD, MATLAB
  • Computer & Internet Facilities: 76 & 1 Gbps


Dr. K. Elango
Professor & Head,
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
SRM Valliammai Engineering College,
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203,
Chengalpattu District,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Mobile : +91 – 9043935446
TEL : 044 – 27454784 / 726, EXTN : 8161
FAX : 044 – 2745 1504.

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