About the Department
Department Of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 1999 and is equipped with the latest facilities and state of the art infrastructure and sophisticated instruments. The total faculty strength of the department is ten, out of whom six are doctorates and the remaining pursuinig Ph.D.
The faculties have publications in national and international journals of rich impact factor and presented papers in the National & International Conferences. The department is having R & D centre approved by the Anna University.
The expertise of the faculty members includes Organic Synthesis, Inorganic Photochemistry, Water Treatment, Membrane Science, Photocatalysis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Green Chemistry, Click Chemistry, Macrocyles, Organic NLO Crystals and emerging frontier areas.
Vision, Mission
Bridge the Engineering professionals in recent advancements in Chemistry for the developments of new devices and materials for the lives of individuals becoming different and complex global society.
To draw up outstanding educators, employers and researchers and to make progress in the profession of education through teaching and learning and art of research on Chemical Science towards Engineering & Technology.
Head of the Department
Dr. L. Devaraj Stephen M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor & HoD
Mrs. K. Anandhi M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
Dr. N. Jayaprakash M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
E-Mail: drjaichem@gmail.com
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Dr. M. Soundarrajan M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
E-Mail: soundarrajanm.chemistry@srmvalliammai.ac.in
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Dr. S. G. Gunasekaran M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Ordinary Grade)
E-Mail: gunasekaransg.chemistry@srmvalliammai.ac.in
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Dr. J. Krishnamurthi M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
E-Mail: jkmurthi@yahoo.co.in
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Mr. V. Arivalagan M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
E-Mail: arivalaganv83@gmail.com
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Mrs. R. Kamakshi M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Assistant Professor (Ordinary Grade)
Dr. P. Maheswari M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Ordinary Grade)
Mrs. M. Meera M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Assistant Professor (Ordinary Grade)
Chemistry Lab- I
Capacity: 30Students.
- Well equipped with laboratory wares and clean lab with ventilation.
- Engineering Chemistry Practical Classes are taken in this Laboratory.
- Conductivity Meter
- Potentiometer
- pH Meter
- Spectrophotometer
- Cloud point apparatus
- Pour point apparatus
- Deionizer
Chemistry Lab- II
Capacity: 30Students.
- Well equipped with laboratory wares and clean lab with ventilation.
- Engineering Chemistry Practical Classes are taken in this Laboratory.
- Conductivity Meter
- Potentiometer
- pH Meter
- Spectrophotometer
- Vacuum Pump
- Digital weighing balance
- Heating mantle
R&D Laboratory
- Anna University approved R & D centre, with the capacity of 10 research scholars.
- Well equipped lab with high speed internet and all lab chemicals and glasswares
- Flame Photometer
- Digital pH Meter
- Microwave Oven
- Hot air Oven
- Heating mantles (different litres)
- Suction Pump
- Digital weighing balance
- Microwave Oven
- Oil bath
- Water bath
- Sonnicator with hot plate
- Magnetic stirrer with hot plate
- Ultrasonic sonnicator
The Chemistry Library primarily supports the teaching and research that takes place within the Department of Chemistry in the VEC. We also welcome members of other departments in the VEC as well as external visitors. At present it contains 175 titles.
Department library
- No. of Books: 175
Central library
- No. of Volumes: 1500
- No. of Online Journals: Dell Net / JADE – Developing Library Network
1. Dr. L.Devaraj Stephen. HOD AP(Senior Grade)
- Authored blurb for 9th and 11th standard text books for Department of School Education, Government of Tamil Nadu (2018)
- Acted as a Judge for Jawaharlal Nehru Science Exhibition Organised by Department of School Education, Government of Tamil Nadu (2015-2018)
- Chaired and Co-Chaired International and National Level Conferences (2016-2018)
- Authored 7 Text Books (2009-2018)
2. Dr.M.Soundarrajan A.P(O.G)
- 2017-18( Odd Sem = 100% result)
- He was a gold medalist at M.Phil Degree from Thiruvalluvar University
- He received Best Faculty award from Arunai Engineering college on 2006
- He received Best Faculty award from Dr.Pauls Engineering college on 2008 &2009
3. Dr.J.Krishnamoorthi A.P(O.G)
- DST-SERB Funded Project: SB/FT/CS-020/2014/ dated 12/09/2014 (under Fast Track/ Young Scientist Scheme)
- Title of the Project: Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Products via Rhodium(II)-bound Carbonyl Ylide Formation-Cycloaddition Process
- Principle Investigator: Dr. KRISHNAMURTHI J, AP/Chemistry
- Date of commencement: 27-10-14
- Date of completion: 31-03-2017
- Total Funds Sanctioned: Rs. 17,70,000
- Total Funds Expenditure: Rs. 17,60,139
4. Dr.N.Jayaprakash
- One of the authors of a book “selected Topics in Chemistry” by Laxmi book publication, Solapur,Maharashtra,India.[ISBN:978-1-329-12875-0]
- Topper in “Atomic and Molecular Absorption spectrometry for pollution Monitoring” in NPTEL online Certificate Examination.
- 100% Result produced in Anna University Theory examination 2014-15- Engineering chemistry-I(semester-I)
2014-15- Engineering chemistry-II(semester-II)
2017-18- Engineering chemistry - Publishing Research papers in high impact journals.
5. Dr.S.G.Gunasekaran
- University Rank – 6th in B.Sc.,
- Gold Medalist & First Rank in M.Sc.
- No. of Publications in Reputed International Journals:15
- No. of Articles presented in International/National Conferences:14
- No. of Ph.D candidates guided/guiding: 01
- NPTEL online course by IIT Madras:
- Topper in NPTEL course conducted during Jan-Mar 2016
- Elite award in NPTEL course conducted during Jul-Oct 2017
- Got Certificate conducted during Jan-Mar 2016, Jul-Sep 2016, Jan-Mar 2017
- Research Excellence award 2021
6. Mr.V.Arivalagan
- Books Published: One of the authors in a book without ISBN “Engineering Chemistry-1”, “Engineering Chemistry-2” and “Chemistry laboratory Manual-1&2”.
- Publications: Published research journals in the National and International journals with high impact factors.
7. Mrs.M.Meera A.P(O.G)
- 100% Result produced in Anna University Theory examination
- 2014-15- Engineering chemistry-I (semester-I)
- 2014-15- Engineering chemistry-II (semester-II)
- 2016-17- Engineering chemistry-I (semester-I)
8. Mrs.R.Kamakshi A.P(O.G)
- She was a silver medalist at UG level from University of Madras.
9. Dr. P. Maheswari
- Young Scientists Award.
- Participated in 59 th meeting of Nobel Laureates to be held at 2009 Lindau in Germany.
- National Youth leadership Award, NCC Directorate Rajasthan.
- Best outgoing NCC cadet.
- Secured I st Rank M.Sc.
- Best Paper Award.
- Published Book Chapter in Wiley Online Library “Applications of Electrospun Membranes Immobilized with Biosorbents for the Removal of Contaminants”.
- Published Papers in high Impact Journals.
List of Anna University Recognized Research Supervisors
S.No | Name | Designation | University | Area of Research |
1 | Dr. L. Devaraj Stephen | AP (Sr.G) & HOD | Anna University Guideship No: 2070106 | Crystal Engineering , Inorganic Photochemistry, Nanomaterials, Environmental Science. |
2 | Dr. J. Krishnamurthi | AP (Sr.G) | Anna University Guideship No: 2670043 | Organic Synthesis, Asymmetric Catalysis, Organic Materials, Polymer Chemistry |
3 | Dr. N. Jayaprakash | AP (Sr.G) | Anna University Guideship No: 2970121 | Material Science, Environmental Chemistry, Nano materials, Inorganic Chemistry |
4 | Dr. S. G. Gunasekaran | AP (O.G) | Anna University Guideship No: 2670045 | Thermosetting Polymers, Polymer Nano Composites, Environmental Applications |
5 | Dr. P. Maheswari | AP (O.G) | Anna University Guideship No: 2570021 | Membrane Technology, Waste Water Treatment, Nano Materials, Biofouling |
Dr. L. Devaraj Stephen
Associate Professor (Senior Grade) & HOD(i/c)
Department of Chemistry,
SRM Valliammai Engineering College,
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203,
Chengalpattu District,
Tamil Nadu, India.
TEL : 044 – 27454784 / 726, EXTN : 8061
FAX : 044 – 2745 1504.
EMAIL : hod.chemistry@srmvalliammai.ac.in