About the Department
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering is functioning, from the year 2002 to impart quality education to under graduate & post graduate engineering students in the field of EIE. The curriculum is followed as per the Anna University regulations & it is periodically upgraded from Board of studies Members. The department is having highly qualified and experienced staffs who are actively involved in teaching & research in various electronics / instrumentation engineering. The faculty members have contributed appreciably to all the co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the college administration like NBA, NAAC and ISO etc.
The department has obtained Permanent Affiliation Status from the Anna University. The EIE programme was accredited by NBA, New Delhi during 2015 to 2021. There are different laboratories such as Electronic Circuits and Devices lab, Industrial Instrumentation Lab, Measurements and Instrumentation Lab, Virtual Instrumentation lab, Process Control lab, Transducer lab, Industrial Automation lab and Instrumentation System Design Lab. All the laboratories are fully equipped for conducting various practical courses as prescribed by Anna University. The department is provided with good supporting staff.
The department has been getting very good results in both theory and practical university exams. About 4 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D. in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The staff members involve themselves in the welfare of the students. Class coordinators are assigned for each class to monitor the performance of the students with respect to their attendance, test, behavior etc. The progress of each student is sent to the parents regularly. Counselling/Mentoring is done to the required students in the ratio of 1 faculty : 15 students. If necessary, the parents are called for a discussion.
The faculty development programs, workshops and seminars are conducted in the college periodically. Staff members are also encouraged and fully supported to participate in seminars, workshops conducted by various reputed organizations and also to present papers in national and international conferences.
About 90% of the passing out students are placed in companies like TCS, Infosys, Accenture, HCL, L&T, IGATE, Mahindra Sathyam etc. Many students have also gone for the higher studies in our country and also in abroad.
The objective of the Institution and of the Department is to impart Quality Technical Education and promote the growth of effective, efficient and true professionals.
While the First year Core Curriculum begins with a common knowledge Base and customizes Students by grounding in basic Engineering Foundation and in Critical Hands on Skills in Engineering Practices, the Course has access to enhance the Learning, Student Perspective and Experience to develop Specialization in areas of ‘Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering’. Class room learning is complemented by Practice in Hi-Tech Labs, Projects and Hands on Experiences, so as to foster Knowledge in ‘Engineering and Technology’. Universal Values and ethics, Technical Training is also taught for the students.
The Department strives to develop long term relationship with Industries and market the students’ talents effectively. The Department has a name for itself among the top colleges at University level through Symposia, Workshops and Conferences and also through its outstanding and consistent performance in the Examinations and Placement.
Our Department has received the “Best Department Award” for producing maximum pass percentage for the academic year 2007-08 and 2015-16. Placement record is also highest in the college.
Programmes run by the department are,
- B.E.- Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE)
- M.E.- Control and Instrumentation Engineering (C&I)
Vision, Mission, PEO, PO, PSO
Our Department is recognized as Research centre by Anna University, Chennai.
Our Department has received “The Teaching Awards in Engineering” presented by Education Matters and Staffordshire University UK.
Highlights Of The Department
- Highly qualified well experienced and dedicated Faculty members with multi disciplinary expertise and motivated students.
- Well equipped Laboratories with state-of-art facilities to pursue high end research.
- Under Centre of excellence, Robotics Laboratory is established.
- Calibration Laboratory is sponsored by DST-FIST.
- AICTE-MODROBS scheme sponsored “Field bus and DCS Work Station”. Sanctioned amount Rs. 18,82,000/-.
- Conduct of Placement Training Programmes / Test every week
- Conduct of Internal Seminar by the Faculty Members every week.
- Conduct of National Symposium, Seminars / Workshops, Special Lectures and Short Term Courses, Value-Added Courses every year.
- Visit of Industries every semester to enhance the students practical knowledge related with the curriculum.
Continue to provide outstanding graduate education in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering driven by excellence in research, to develop new ideas and technologies for various Engineering systems.
To provide high quality Technical education and Training at Under Graduate level in response to the changing needs of industries and Society through a innovative learning process which enabling them to work as Professionals in industry and other organizations related to Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering with high degree of Integrity, Social concern, Ethical standards and rich Indian culture.
Programme Outcomes (Po’s) :
- Acquire state of art knowledge in instrumentation, control and automation, with an ability to discriminate, evaluate, analyze and synthesize the already existing knowledge and integrate the contemporary knowledge to enhance cognizance.
- Ability to carry out a detailed analysis of various engineering problems in the field of Instrumentation and Control Systems leading to suitable solutions for the same or elevate the prosecution of research in a wider prospective.
- Evaluate a wide range of potential solutions for instrumentation, control and automation problems and consider public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors to arrive at feasible and superlative solutions.
- Ability to design, develop and propose theoretical and practical methodologies for carrying out detailed investigation to complex engineering problems in the field of Instrumentation and Control Systems.
- Ability to develop and utilize modern IT tools for modelling, analyzing and solving various engineering problems in this field.
- Willingness and ability to get involved in a team of engineers/researchers to take up sophisticated multidisciplinary challenges in the field of Instrumentation and Control Systems by sharing the comprehension and collaboration.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply the same to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team by managing projects efficiently in respective discipline and multidisciplinary environments after consideration of economical and financial factors.
- Ability to express ideas clearly and communicate orally as well as in writing with others in an effective manner, adhering to various national and international standards and practices for the documentation and presentation of the content.
- Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in life-long learning independently, with a high level of enthusiasm and commitment to improve knowledge and competence continuously.
- Acquire professional and intellectual integrity, professional code of conduct, ethics of research and scholarship, consideration of the impact of research outcomes on professional practices and an understanding of responsibility to contribute to the community for sustainable development of society.
- Ability to have ownership of self-actions and develop self-evaluation techniques
Program Specific Outcomes (Pso’s) :
PSO1: Imparting practical knowledge in process control, design of instrumentation systems and contribute to technological development and Exhibiting their potential in project management, collaborative and multidisciplinary task in their profession
PSO2: Attaining professional competency to address the technological needs of society and industrial problems.
PSO3: A successful career in Process Control and Automation industries, R&D organizations and Academic Institutions and Showing the society for life-long self- governing and thoughtful learning skills in their career
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s) :
PEO1: Graduates of this program will excel through the core competency skills inculcated with a strong foundation in Instrumentation and Process Control.
PEO2: Graduates of this program will have the capability to be successful in the chosen profession through commitment, effective communication, ethics and team work.
PEO3: Graduates of this program will exhibit self-learning capability and demonstrate a pursuit in lifelong learning through higher studies and research.
PEO4: Graduates of this program will show involvement and willingness in assuming responsibility in societal and environmental causes.
Staff Particulars
- Total Number of Teaching faculty: 17
- Total Number of Ph.D. holders : 04
- Total Number of staff pursuing Ph.D.: 05
- Number of Professors: 02
- Number of Associate Professors: 01
- Number of Asst. Professors: 14
- Number of Programmers: 02
- Number of Attenders: 01
Dr.K.Ayyar B.E., M.E., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor
Simulation Lab
S.NO | Equipment | QTY |
1 | COMPUTERS | 34 |
2 | 2-Channel DAC Interface Card | 1 |
3 | VI-8 Channel ADC Interface Card | 1 |
4 | Lab View Software and Hardware Set | 1 |
Modelling And Simulation Lab
S.NO | Equipment | QTY |
1 | Process Control Simulator | 2 |
2 | Temperature Control System | 1 |
3 | Compressor With Air Dryer | 1 |
4 | Temperature Control loop Trainer | 1 |
5 | Control Value Characteristics | 1 |
6 | Pressure Control Loop Trainer | 1 |
7 | Level control Loop Trainer | 1 |
8 | Interacting Process & Non Interacting Process | 1 |
9 | Flow Control Loop Trainer | 1 |
10 | Strip Chart Recorder | 9 |
11 | Cascade Control Trainer | 1 |
12 | Analysis Of Multi Input & Multi Output System-4 Tank System | 1 |
13 | Study of pH Control Test Rig | 1 |
14 | Design and Implementation of Multi Loop PI controller-3 Tank System | 1 |
15 | Study of AC and DC Drives | 1 |
Transducer Lab
S.NO | Major Equipment | QTY |
1 | I/P and P/I Converter Trainer systems | 1 |
2 | Vibration Exciter | 1 |
3 | Angular Displacement Measurement Using Capacitive and Resistive Transducer | 1 |
4 | Piezo Electric Transducer Trainer | 1 |
S.NO | Major Equipment | QTY |
1 | UV-VIS Spectrophotometer | 1 |
2 | ECG Analyzer with Pulse and Respiration signal | 1 |
3 | PH Measurement | 1 |
4 | Torque measurement trainer | 1 |
5 | Dead Weight Tester | 1 |
6 | Electromagnetic Flow Meter Trainer | 1 |
7 | Moisture Measurement Trainer | 1 |
8 | Vibration Measurement Trainer | 1 |
9 | Digital Conductivity Meter | 1 |
10 | Temperature Calibrator | 1 |
S.NO | Major Equipment | QTY |
1 | Field Bus And Distributed Control System(DCS) Workstation | 1 |
Automation Lab
S.NO | Major Equipment | QTY |
1 | NI-Elvis Hardware | 1 |
2 | Qnetrotary Pendulum | 1 |
3 | VI Programmable Logic Controller Trainer | 1 |
4 | PLC Real time Application-Bottle Filling Level | 1 |
5 | Distributed Control System | 1 |
6 | NI-USB 6211 DAQ | 1 |
7 | 1. Calman plus software 2. Dry Block Temeperature Calibrator 3.Multifunction Process Calibrator 4. Smart Pressure Calibrator |
1 |
Our department library have the good collection of text book for the area of electronics and instrumentation & Control and instrumentation to fulfill the need of the faculty and students for curriculum of Anna university and totally 356 books are there. It will be updated whenever the curriculum is revised .Similarly handbooks are available to enhance the research activities. The details are furnished below
Department of Information Technology Library book Details
S.No. | Department Library Books | No. of Project Reports |
1 | 407 | 527 |
Central Library details
S.No. | Department | No. of Titles | No. of Volumes | No. of National Journals | No. of International Journals | No. of E-Journals |
1 | IT | 2317 | 6745 | 12 | 12 | 545 |
Central Library E-Journal Details
S.No. | Department | IEEE | Elsevier | J-Gate ( E & T) | Total |
1 | IT | 29 | 28 | 488 | 545 |
Academic Year: 2018-2022
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1. | HCL Technologies | 3 |
2. | Cognizant | 1 |
3. | TCS | 2* |
4. | Wipro | 2 |
5. | Accenture | 6** |
TOTAL | 12 |
Academic Year: 2017-2021
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1. | HCL | 3* |
2. | Infosys | 1 |
3. | Johnson Control India | 1 |
4. | Cognizant | 8** |
5. | Sutherland Non-Voice Process | 7* |
6. | TCS | 3 |
7. | Sutherland | 3 |
8. | Wipro | 2* |
9. | Accenture | 5 |
TOTAL | 23 |
Academic Year: 2015-2019
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1 | Accenture | 40 |
2 | Wipro | 1 |
3 | CTS | 2 |
4 | TATA Motors | 1 |
Total | 44 |
Academic Year: 2013-17
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1 | Tech Mahindra | 2** |
2 | Sutherland Global Services(Voice Process) | 3* |
3 | Sutherland Global Services | 4 |
4 | Capgemini | 7 |
5 | Accenture | 42 |
6 | Wipro | 2 |
Total | 60 |
Academic Year: 2016-2020
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1. | CSS Corp* | 1 |
2. | Crystal HR & Security Solutions Pvt Ltd | 2 |
3. | Sutherland (Voice Process) | 8 |
4. | Innive | 2 |
5. | Worksbot | 1 |
6. | CTS | 5 |
7. | TCS* | 4 |
8. | Wipro | 2 |
9. | Accenture | 26 |
TOTAL | 47 |
Academic Year: 2014-2018
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1 | Maveric Systems | 1 |
2 | Accenture | 19 |
3 | Sutherland- Voice Process | 5 |
4 | V Dart Software Services Pvt. Lld | 6** |
5 | Sai Technology Pvt. Ltd | 3** |
6 | Paragon Digital Services | 9* |
7 | Sutherland- Non-Voice Process | 1*** |
8 | Phoenix Medical Systems (P) Ltd | 1 |
Total | 45 |
Academic Year: 2012-2016
S.No | Company/Recruiter | No. of Students Placed |
1. | CSS Corp | 3** |
2 | Jains Packaging &Soutions | 2 |
3. | NTT DATA | 1 |
4. | CTS | 1 |
5 | Sutherland Global Services Ltd(Non-Voice) | 4 |
6 | Sutherland Global Services Ltd | 2 |
7. | IGATE | 2* |
8 | TCS | 16 |
9 | Wipro | 8 |
Total | 39 |
Dr. S. Visalakshi
Professor & Head,
Dept. of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
SRM Valliammai Engineering College,
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203,
Chengalpattu District,
TEL : 044 – 27454784 / 726, EXTN : 8181
FAX : 044 – 2745 1504.
MOBILE : +91 – 94446 86788
EMAIL : hod.eie@srmvalliammai.ac.in