Question Banks (Academic Year 2024-25)
B.Tech.-Agricultural Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3224-Physics for Agricultural Engineering
- CH3224-Chemistry for Agricultural Engineering
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
4th Semester
- MA3426-Applied Mathematics for Agricultural Engineering
- AG3463-Principles and Practices of Crop Production
- AG3462-Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- AG3461-Tractors and Farm Engines
- AG3432-Thermodynamics for Agricultural Engineering
- AG3431-Strength of Materials for Agricultural Engineering
- AG3433-Strength of Materials Laboratory Manual
- AG3464-Crop Husbandry Laboratory Manual
- AG3465-Irrigation Field Laboratory Manual
5th Semester
6th Semester
- 1902601-Groundwater and Well Engineering
- 1902602-Food and Dairy Engineering
- 1902603-Protected Cultivation
- 1902607-Agricultural Waste Management
- 1902609-Seed Processing Technology
- 1915001-Professional Ethics
- 1902610-CAD for Agricultural Engineering Laboratory Manual
- 1902611-Food Process Engineering Laboratory Manual
B.E - Civil Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3221-Physics for Civil Engineering
- CH3221-Chemistry for Construction Materials
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
4th Semester
- MA3421-Applied Mathematics for Civil Engineering
- CE3461-Strength of Materials
- CE3462-Applied Hydraulic Engineering
- CE3463-Construction Techniques and Equipments
- CE3464-Irrigation Engineering
- CE3465-Foundation Engineering
- CE3466-Strength of Materials Laboratory Manual
- CE3467-Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory Manual
- CE3468-Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual
5th Semester
Open Elective :
7th Semester
B.E - Computer Science and Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3222-Physics for Information Science
- CH3222-Chemistry for Information Science
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- 1918302-Discrete Mathematics
- 1904301-Programming & Data Structures in C
- 1904302-Object Oriented Programming
- 1904304-Operating Systems
- 1906306-Digital Fundamentals and Communication
- 1908503-Software Engineering
- 1904305-Data Structures in C – Lab Manual
- 1904306-Object Oriented Programming Laboratory – Manual
- 1904307-Operating Systems Laboratory – Manual
4th Semester
- CS3461-Theory of Computation
- CS3462-Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- CS3463-Database Management Systems
- CS3464-Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- IT3461-Operating Systems
- MA3422-Applied Mathematics for Information Science
- CS3465-Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory Manual
- CS3466-Database Management Systems Laboratory Manual
- IT3464-Operating Systems Laboratory Manual
6th Semester
- 1904004-Natural Language Processing
- 1904601-Mobile Computing
- 1904602-Compiler Design
- 1904603-Grid and Cloud Computing
- 1904607-Data Science
- 1908014-Software Testing
- 1915002-Principles of Management
- 1904610-Mobile Application Development Laboratory Manual
- 1904611-Compiler Design Laboratory Manual
- 1919002-Professional Communication
7th Semester
- 1904005-Cryptography and Network Security
- 1904006-Artificial Intelligence
- 1904010-Object Oriented Programming
- 1904011-Big Data Analytics
- 1904706-Introduction to Machine Learning and Algorithms
- 1904708-Internet of things
- 1904711-Ethical Hacking
- 1904801-Deep Learning
- 1908702-Software Project Management
- 1915003-Total Quality Management
B.E - Electronics & Communication Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3223-Physics for Electronics Engineering
- CH3223-Chemistry for Electronic Materials
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- 1906001-Signals and Systems
- 1906301-Electronic Devices and Circuits
- 1906302-Analog Electronics-I
- 1906303-Digital Electronics
- 1905009-Control Systems Engineering
- 1918301-Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
- 1906304-Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory – Manual
- 1906305-Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory – Manual
4th Semester
- EC3462-Linear Integrated Circuits
- EC3463-Analog Communication
- EC3464-Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Interfacing
- EC3465-Digital Signal Processing
- EI3464-Control Systems
- MA3424-Applied Mathematics for Electronics and Communication Engineering
- EC3466-Linear IC and PCB Design Laboratory Manual
- EC3467-Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Interfacing Laboratory Manual
5th Semester
- 1906002-Discrete Time Signal Processing
- 1906009-Medical Electronics
- 1906501-Digital Communication
- 1906502-Communication Networks
- 1906503-Transmission Lines and RF Systems
- 1906504-Sensor Technology
- 1907002-Robotics and Automation
- 1907503-Sensors and Transducers
- 1906003-Digital Signal Processing Lab Manual
- 1906508-Communication Systems and Networks Lab Manual
6th Semester
- 1904006-Artificial Intelligence
- 1904012-Machine Learning
- 1906005-VLSI Design
- 1906008-Embedded and Real Time Systems
- 1906601-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- 1906602-Wireless Networks
- 1906603-Cyptography and Network Security
- 1908609-Internet of Things and its Applications
- 1915002-Principles of Management
- 1906605-Microcontrollers and Embedded Laboratory Manual
- 1906606-VLSI Design Laboratory Manual
B.E - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3133-Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3223-Physics for Electronics Engineering
- CH3223-Chemistry for Electronic Materials
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- 1905302-Digital Electronics
- 1905303-Electrical Machines-I
- 1905304-Analog Electronics
- 1905305-Circuit Theory
- 1918301-Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
- 1905306-Analog Electronics Laboratory – Manual
- 1905307-Electrical Machines-I Laboratory – Manual
- 1905308-Electric Circuits Laboratory – Manual
4th Semester
- EC3462-Llnear Integrated Circuits
- EE3461-Electrical Machines-II
- EE3462-Transmission and Distribution
- EE3463-Measurements and Instrumentation
- EI3464-Control Systems
- MA3423-Applied Mathematics for Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
- EE3464-Electrical Machines Laboratory -II Manual
- EE3465-Measurements and Instrumentation Laboratory Manual
- EI3469-Control Systems Laboratory Manual
5th Semester
- 1905501-Power System Analysis
- 1905502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- 1905503-Power Electronics
- 1905504-Control Systems
- 1905505-Digital Signal Processing
- 1905508-Renewable Energy Sources
- 1905506-Control and Instrumentation Laboratory – Manual
- 1905507-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory – Manual
6th Semester
- 1905601-Solid State Drives
- 1905602-Power System Operation and Control
- 1905603-Design of Electrical Apparatus
- 1905604-Advanced Control System
- 1905606-Modern Power Converters
- 1905608-Embedded Systems
- 1919002-Professional Communication
- 1915002-Principles of Management
- 1920001-Fundamentals of Nanoscience
- 1905610-Power Electronics Laboratory Manual
- 1905611-Power System Simulation Laboratory Manual
7th Semester
- 1905701-High Voltage Engineering
- 1905702-Renewable Energy systems
- 1905703-Protection and Switchgear
- 1905704-Special Electrical Machines
- 1905706-Control of Electrical Drives
- 1905707-Power System Transients
- 1905712-Renewable Energy Systems
- 1915003-Total Quality Management
- 1915004-Human Rights
- 1905708-Renewable Energy Systems Lab manual
B.E - Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3133-Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3223-Physics for Electronics Engineering
- CH3223-Chemistry for Electronic Materials
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- 1905305-Circuit Theory
- 1907001-Transducers Engineering
- 1907301-Electron Devices and Circuits
- 1907302-Electrical and Electronic Instruments
- 1909307-Applied Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics
- 1918301-Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
- 1907304-Measurements and Transducers Laboratory Manual
- 1907305-Circuits and Devices Laboratory Manual
4th Semester
- EI3461-Electrical Machines
- EI3462-Industrial Instrumentation-I
- EI3463-Electronics for Analog Signal Processing
- EI3464-Control Systems
- EI3465-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- MA3423-Applied Mathematics for Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
- EI3466-Electrical Machines and Control Systems Laboratory Manual
- EI3467-Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Laboratory Manual
- EI3468-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory Manual
5th Semester
- 1905502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- 1905504-Control Systems
- 1906004-Communication Engineering
- 1907501-Industrial Instrumentation-II
- 1907502-Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
- 1907505-Industrial Instrumentation Laboratory Manual
- 1907506-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab Manual
Open Electives :
6th Semester
- 1904003-Computer Networks
- 1904007-Data Structures
- 1904606-Intellectual Property Rights
- 1905608-Embedded Systems
- 1907601-Logic and Distributed Control System
- 1907602-Process Control
- 1907605-Advanced Instrumentation Systems
- 1907607-Analytical Instruments
- 1919002-Professional Communication
- 1920601-MEMS and Nanoscience
- 1904613-Data Structures Laboratory Manual
- 1907609-Process Control Laboratory Manual
7th Semester
- 1907701-Computer Control of Processes
- 1907702-Industrial Data Network
- 1907704-Fibre Optics and Laser Instrumentation
- 1920001-Fundamentals of Nanoscience
- 1920703-Electronic Materials (Common to CSE, ECE, EIE and MDE)
- 1909718-Robotics (Common to CSE, IT, ECE, MDE, Mechanical)
- 1907709-Industrial Automation Laboratory Manual
- 1907710-Instrumentation System Design Laboratory Manual
B.E - Mechanical Engineering
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3225-Material Science
- CH3225-Chemistry for Functional Materials
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- MA3425-Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering
- ME3462-Manufacturing Technology
- ME3463-Strength of Materials
- ME3464-Theory of Machines
- ME3465-Unconventional Machining Processes
- ME3466-Thermal Engineering
- ME3467-Manufacturing Technology Laboratory-II Manual
- ME3468-Strength of Materials Laboratory Manual
- ME3469-Thermal Engineering Laboratory Manual
4th Semester
5th Semester
7th Semester
- 1909701-Electrical Vehicles
- 1909702-Process Planning and Cost Estimation
- 1909703-Mechatronics and Automation
- 1909706-Hydraulics and Pneumatics
- 1909707-Automobile Engineering
- 1909708-Alternative Fuels and Emission Control for Automobile
- 1909709-Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation
- 1909714-Mechatronics and Automation Laboratory Manual
B.Tech - Information Technology
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3222-Physics for Information Science
- CH3222-Chemistry for Information Science
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
- 1904302-Object Oriented Programming
- 1908301-Data Structures and Algorithms
- 1908302-Digital Principles and System Design
- 1908303-Analog and Digital Communication
- 1908304-Information Technology Essentials
- 1918302-Discrete Mathematics
- 1904306-Object Oriented Programming Laboratory – Manual
- 1908305-Data Structures Laboratory – Manual
- 1908306-Digital Systems and Communication Laboratory – Manual
4th Semester
- AD3463-Data Communication and Networks
- CS3463-Database Management Systems
- IT3461-Operating Systems
- IT3462-Artificial Intelligence
- IT3463-Web Essentials
- MA3422-Applied Mathematics for Information Science
- AD3466-Data Communication and Networks Laboratory Manual
- CS3466-Database Management Systems Laboratory Manual
- IT3464-Operating Systems Laboratory Manual
6th Semester
- 1904607-Data Science
- 1908008-Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- 1908601-Mobile Communication
- 1908602-Computational Intelligence
- 1908607-Machine Learning Techniques I
- 1915002-Principles of Management
- 1915004-Human Rights
- 1904610-Mobile Application Development Laboratory Manual
- 1908610-Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory Manual
- 1919002-Professional Communication
B.E - Cyber Security
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3222-Physics for Information Science
- CH3222-Chemistry for Information Science
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
4th Semester
- CS3463-Database Management Systems
- CY3461-Basics of Cyber Forensics
- CY3462-Secure Software Engineering
- CY3463-Cyber Laws and Ethics
- IT3461-Operating Systems
- MA3424-Applied Mathematics for Information Science
- CS3466-Database Management Systems Laboratory Manual
- CY3464-Open Source Software Laboratory Manual
- IT3464-Operating Systems Laboratory Manual
6th Semester
B.E - Medical Electronics
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3226-Medical Physics
- CH3226-Chemistry for Biomedical Engineering
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
3rd Semester
4th Semester
- EC3464-Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Interfacing
- MA3427-Applied Mathematics for Bio-Medical Engineering
- MD3461-Human Anatomy and Physiology
- MD3462-Bio Control Systems
- MD3463-Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits
- MD3464-Medical Instrumentation
- EC3467-Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Interfacing Laboratory Manual
- MD3465-Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits Laboratory Manual
6th Semester
- 1906601-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- 1908609-Internet of Things and its Applications
- 1910601-Human Assist Devices
- 1910602-Medical Imaging Techniques
- 1910603-Biomechanics
- 1915002-Principles of Management
- 1906611-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory Manual
- 1910604-Medical Electronics System Design Laboratory Manual
B.Tech - Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
1st Semester
- EN3111-Professional English-I
- MA3122-Matrices and Calculus
- PH3123-Engineering Physics
- CH3124-Engineering Chemistry
- GE3131-Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GE3111-தமிழர்மரபு / Heritage of Tamils
- GE3127-Physics Laboratory Manual
- GE3127-Chemistry Laboratory Manual
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Civil
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EEE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-EIE
- GE3134-Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual-Mech
- EN3119-English Language Learning Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- EN3211-Professional English – II
- MA3222-Statistics and Numerical Methods
- PH3222-Physics for Information Science
- CH3222-Chemistry for Information Science
- GE3231-Problem Solving and Python Programming
- GE3211-தமிழரும் ததொழில்நுட்பமும்/ Tamils and Technology
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory – Physics Manual
- GE3221-Engineering Sciences Laboratory- Chemistry Manual
- GE3232-Problem solving and Python Programming Laboratory – Manual
- GE3233-Engineering Graphics and Design
4th Semester
- AD3461-Artificial Intelligence-I
- AD3462-Data and Information Security
- AD3463-Data Communication and Networks
- AD3464-Fundamentals of Data Science and Analytics
- IT3461-Operating Systems
- MA3428-Applied Mathematics for Data Science
- AD3465-Artificial Intelligence-I Laboratory Manual
- AD3466-Data Communication and Networks Laboratory Manual
- AD3467-Data Science and Analytics Laboratory Manual
6th Semester
- 1904006-Artificial Intelligence
- 1904011-Big Data Analytics
- 1908604-Digital Image Processing
- 1922602-Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
- 1922607-Introduction to Cloud Computing
- 1922608-Artificial Neural Network
- 1904009-Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Manual
- 1922609-Big Data Analytics Laboratory Manual
- 1919002-Professional Communication Laboratory Manual
M.E - Structural Engineering
1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
1st Semester
3rd Semester
M.E - Power Systems
1st Semester
3rd Semester
M.E - Control & Instrumentation
1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
M.E - Industrial Safety Engineering
1st Semester
3rd Semester
M.Tech. - Data Science
1st Semester
3rd Semester
M.B.A - Master of Business Administration
1st Semester
3rd Semester
1st Semester
- MC4161-Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
- MC4162-Advanced Database Technology
- MC4163-Python Programming
- MC4164-Computer Networks and Management
- BA4171-Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights
- MA4121-Applied Probability and Statistics
- MC4165-Data Structures Laboratory Manual
- MC4166-Database Technologies Laboratory Manual
- MC4167-Python Programming Laboratory Manual
2nd Semester
- MC4261-Full Stack Web Development
- MC4262-Cloud Computing and Mobile App Development
- MC4263-Advanced Data science
- MC4264-Cyber Security
- MC4265-Object Oriented Software Engineering
- PMC302-Data Visualization
- PMC304-Big Data Analytics
- MC4266-Full Stack Web Development Laboratory Manual
- MC4267-Mobile Application Development Laboratory Manual
- EN4217-Communication Skills Enhancement-I